Press Release
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For Immediate Release
Press Contact:
Irene Oujo (201) 996-1154
Led by Hewlett Packards Barbara Lawler, the Tele/Web Conference to focus on national and international perspectives and offer case studies.
April 18, 2005 //Hackensack, NJ: Outsourcing, offshoring, and securing customer and employee personal data will be the focus of Privacy & American Business (P&ABs) upcoming Tele/Web Conference set for May 10, 2005 at 2PM. Privacy, Outsourcing and Offshoring: What You Need to Know will examine hot issue pitfalls faced by many companies today. It will be led by privacy experts Barbara Lawler, CPO, Hewlett Packard; Sandy Hughes, Global Privacy Executive, Proctor & Gamble; with Dr. Alan Westin, President & Publisher, P&AB.
“Were focusing on a high profile topic that has captured the attention of business, governments and the public," said Dr. Alan Westin. "The public debate has swung from protecting jobs to the hotter issue of protecting privacy. That swing has moved the issue front and center.”
Perspectives from a Global Multinational
P&ABs Tele/Web Conference will offer an overview on outsourcing/offshoring and bring to the table a national and global perspective on this contentious issue. Also to be discussed at this major privacy event: vendor management fundamentals; case studies; what outsourcing means to employees overseas; and perspectives from the EU, Canada, the U.S., Japan, Australia; among other topics. Visit to download the agenda.
An Interactive Event for All Privacy Practitioners!
Those participating online will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Tele/Web Conference. Privacy Officers whose organizations are outsourcing customer and/or employee data management should participate and bring along members of their companys privacy, business development, compliance, legal, marketing, HR and government relations departments. For special group rates, contact Olga Garey at (201) 996-1154 or
CLE Credits
Participants in P&AB events have received Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits. P&AB will help Tele/Web Conference participants earn their CLE credits by providing materials, but cannot apply on their behalf.
This virtual event is set for Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 2:00 PM EDT. Details are posted at and
About Privacy & American Business
Privacy & American Business (,, &, is an activity of the Center for Social & Legal Research, a non-profit, non-partisan public policy think tank exploring U.S. and global issues of consumer and employee privacy and data protection for business since its launch in 1993.
Always on the cutting edge, P&AB was the first to chart and analyze the rise of privacy from a second-tier concern to a front-burner issue and to provide opportunities in its programs and meetings to assist businesses in understanding the privacy environment as it is evolving. P&AB, a pioneer in recognizing the rise of the Corporate Privacy Officer (CPO), was the first to open its CPO Program in 1999.
The Center and all its activities are led by Dr. Alan Westin, Professor of Public Law & Government Emeritus, Columbia University, and President and Publisher of P&AB; Robert Belair, Partner at Oldaker, Biden & Belair and P&AB’s Vice President; and Lorrie Sherwood, P&AB’s Executive Director.