Consumer Privacy Litigation Annual Round Up
In this Report, P&ABs staff of experts has compiled and analyzed more than 100 consumer privacy lawsuits filed, proceeding or resolved since 2000, the lessons to be learned, and predictions of where privacy litigation is going in 2005 and beyond.

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Privacy Legislation in the States*
States have been actively considering and enacting privacy legislation in 2005. Concerned with business practices and unlawful acts that directly impact consumers’ lives, state lawmakers are focusing on identity theft, aggressive marking (spam) and extensive uses of credit reporting information and credit scores. This Report examines what state activity 2005 has seen so far and what the rest of 2005 may bring.
Not available to Non-P&AB Memebers until November 7.

The Global Privacy Trend Report*
Written by P&AB’s experts who follow international privacy issues, this report captures the dynamics of the evolving global privacy climate. It covers a wide range of key topics, across all the globe’s countries, with very smart summaries. It is both informative and comprehensive in scop and offers a baseline for understanding how key U.S. privacy issues are also resonating around the world, often with different effect.
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HR Privacy Resource Guide
This electronic publication offers attendees a selection of key new laws, regulations, guidelines, Codes of Practice, HR privacy surveys, and much more!
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CPO Job Description and Evaluation Criteria: What Management Should Know
This P&AB Report is a comprehensive report and checklist that covers both new and veteran Privacy Officers daily roles and responsibilities. It identifies the various departments with which Privacy Officers must work closely, and outlines ways they can create effective internal and external privacy compliance programs.
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Privacy Survey Trend Report*
What do the consumer privacy surveys conducted in 2004 tell business executives and legislators about consumers understanding of business information practices and their rising expectations? Which surveys are trustworthy. Find out in this report.
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Guide to P&ABs Privacy Policy Database
Introduced at the Conference, this report will guide P&AB Privacy Policy Database users through the maze of privacy policies from across all sectors.
Download the Table of Contents. |
*Be sure to ask about back issues of these reports.